Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Every child is an artist


My 9 year old loves to play with language and put his imagination into words. Sharing his latest poem about dinosaurs with you. 


These rambunctious reptiles destroy the land,  

Making deafening noises, much louder than a band.

People are dashing, hearing a ear-splitting crash,

Everything is wrecked, quick as a flash.

Petrified people are dashing away,

 Because to this dreadful dinosaur, they are nothing but prey.

Occasionally, loud screams are heard,

Along with the frantic chirping of birds.

This colossal creature is bigger than a house,

Compared to this destructive dinosaur, people are as small as a miniature mouse.

Citizens are dashing away towards the woods,

Leaving behind their valuable goods.

Will this dangerous dinosaur ever leave the vicinity?


  1. Amazing! Children’s creativity knows no bounds. Well done little one.

    1. Thank you, I really appreciate your kind words!!

  2. Well written! Children need such encouragement to express themselves.

  3. Thank you for the kind & encouraging words.

  4. Love the poem and the child's originality in composing that.. Best wishes to you both!
