Thursday, April 14, 2022


 There is something about seeing rhinos and lions running free that excites you. It's not that you feel afraid; it's more like you're liberated by seeing them. - Michael Douglas

Lion (Panthera leo) belongs to the cat family called Felidae and is regarded as the king of beasts. They usually live in groups of 10 or 15 animals called prides and are commonly found in grasslands, savannas, dense scrubs and open woodlands. Lions are distributed across Africa, south of the Sahara. One population of forest-dwelling lions are found in Gir Forest National Park, India. They hunt for food from dusk to dawn. Male lions protect the pride whilst female lions hunt. The roar of a male can be heard up to 8 km. Lions are one of the fastest mammals and run at a maximum speed of 81 kmph. They live for an average of 12 years in the wild. These big cats are classified as “critically endangered” due to a massive decline in their population caused by habitat loss and poaching.

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  1. Replies
    1. Very true, watching them was a breathtaking experience. Thank you for the nice comment.

  2. Did youake these photos? From up so close? So stunning!

    1. Yes, Sinjana. These were clicked at a safari park from a safe distance. Thanks a lot for the appreciation! :)
