Thursday, July 28, 2022

Wind Farms

We should preserve every scrap of biodiversity as priceless while we learn to use it and come to understand what it means to humanity. - E. O. Wilson

Making power generation green and shifting towards sustainable solutions has been a top priority in order to fight climate change. However, greenest types of energies also present new issues for our local ecosystems. For instance, wind turbine technology is an important component in the fight against the usage of fossil fuels. But the windfarms can have negative impacts on the biodiversity due to the following reasons:
  • They can result in habitat loss or degradation. Creation of roads and human activity under the wind farms disturbs the movement of wildlife. Wind turbines kill several birds each year.
  • Wildlife is displaced from feeding or nesting areas.
  • Density and activity of birds is much lower in areas with wind turbines resulting in less predation risk. This has affected the food chain and the population of lizards increased.
To avoid these issues, wind farms need to be biodiverse friendly and this can be achieved by:
  • Selecting suitable location of turbines after studying bird activity using computer generated models in order to predict where the projects can have the least impact. 
  • Painting one blade of a turbine black which would allow birds to notice and avoid turbines sooner.
  • Bats are most active at periods with low wind speeds and so limiting generation to higher wind speeds can prevent their death.
  • Constructing wind turbines close to urban centres as that is likely to reduce the impact of turbines on wildlife.

A tryst with nature #windfarms

This post is part of Blogchatter's CauseAChatter

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