Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Bug Hotel

"The smallest act of caring has the potential to turn a life around."- Leo Buscaglia

A bug hotel is a structure created with natural materials to attract a number of wildlife species and insects. They come in various shapes and sizes depending on the purpose or specific insects they are catered to. The different sections of the hotel provide nesting facilities and shelter for bugs especially during winter. Their main purpose is to host pollinators. 

An insect hotel should be put out during spring or summer when the wildlife is commonly out. An occupied hotel should be moved into a cool dry area like a garden shed during winter to protect the wildlife from wind and rain.

Bug hotels are beneficial for gardens by supporting biodiversity and maintaining ecological balance of the world. However, they require timely clean-up and maintenance else it can be a nursery for disease and pests. 

A tryst with nature #bughotel

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  1. Replies
    1. I agree, it is a wonderful idea. Thank you very much!

  2. This look so cozy. Bug hotel huh? Never knew about it, thanks for sharing.

    1. Definitely a great way to encourage wildlife in garden. I am glad you liked the blog post! :)

  3. A new thing for me. You design it or buy from the market?


    1. You can build a bug hotel by using natural materials such as straw, dry grass and hollow plant stems. Ready-made insect hotels are available too. Thank you!

  4. Bug hotel? Never heard. Thanks for introducing us to this wonderful concept!

  5. Thanks for introducing this wasn't aware of it. A very interesting concept
    Deepika Sharma

  6. Wow this place really looks so cozy and nice1!

  7. Learned something new today. I have never heard of bug hotels. But why is it needed? Is the bug population declining, this affecting pollination rates?

    1. Bug hotels are to host pollinators especially during winter. They are beneficial to the garden by maintaining the biodiversity. Thank you for this nice comment.

  8. Oh wow. I didn't know about bug hotels. That's a great concept
