Thursday, August 5, 2021

Jewels of the Pond

"Life Springs Out Of The Most Unusual Places."

Water lilies are popular and glamorous aquatic pond plants. Besides filling the water surface with colour and vibrancy, they maintain the well-being of the pond ecosystem in following ways:

  • Provide shade to keep the water temperature down during the hot summer months.
  • Reduce the algae growth by blocking sunlight and consuming same nutrients as algae.
  • Stabilise pH naturally by consuming various metals and other compounds.
  • Shade fish from sunlight which would otherwise get sun burnt. 
  • Shelter fish for protection from predatory birds.

Presenting the majestic water-dwellers which enhance the beauty of the pond with their colourful flowers and pretty leaves.

This post is a part of Blogchatter Half Marathon’ and hyperlink it to:


  1. Great post....the lilies are looking lovely....

  2. I thought water lilies were more like pests because they take up nearly all the water surface and don't allow sunlight to penetrate the water. Bottom-dwelling creatures fail to survive in low sunlight conditions.

    1. True! Some invasive non-native aquatic plants can be a problem for the pond.
      Thanks for this nice comment.

  3. Beautiful photos! I didn't know that they had such an important role!
