Friday, August 6, 2021

Winged Water Wonders

“The Only Constant in Life Is Change.”- Heraclitus

I have been watching this family of Mute swans. Unfortunately, only two cygnets survived out of the three.  

The colour change in the plumage of cygnets has inspired me to write this blog. Young cygnets are dusky brown-grey all over with a grey-black bill.

Gradually, over the first six months, they turn brown and this is the time when they learn to fly.

Juvenile mute swans are predominantly grey but within a years time they turn white. However, their beaks remain grey/pink.

Full white plumage and orange beaks come with maturity.

I will continue to watch the winged water wonders and keep you updated.

This post is a part of Blogchatter Half Marathon’ and hyperlink it to:


  1. This is super awesome blog!
    Loved the HD images too. They are really making the blog a next level reading experience>
    Thanks a lot for sharing.
    Elegant Themes

  2. Wonderful pictures! Nice post!👍

  3. That is so beautiful and it is great that you observe nature and write about it. 😎🤓

  4. Love the way you are sharing nature's beauty!

  5. Beautiful pictures as usual. The nature is wonderful in it's variety, and that truly reflects your post.

  6. This post reminds me of the story The Ugly Duckling. Unfortunately, the focus of the story was on outward beauty so I don't read it to my son or recommend it to anyone.

  7. Oh, it's sad that one of them didn't survive. Beautiful photos!

  8. I love your blog the pics are awesome
    Deepika Sharma
